Thursday, December 27, 2007

President of India: wish our laws permited us to speak freely about her

We Indians have a president who believes in celebrating her birthday - while putting most of New Delhi on hold. She also believes in doing official visits to Andaman tourist resorts so as to ahve a better view of things on new year eve.

I wish u could use really derogatory words for this first lady predident of ours who unlike our people's president (Dr Kalam) is far more - should I call reminicent of Viceroy and Governor Generals that Queen of England used to bestow us with.

I hope I will not be arrested for making this comment for lately things like these are frequented by Security agencies more than the terror cells, hard core criminals and nation haters.

Just a request to youy highness, kindly have mercy on mere mortal civilians of this country - stay in your palace called rashtrapati bhavan. May be you can again start using Ashoka Hall as the bed room after all, pre independence - same position people used to do it...

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