"China lauds India's balancing act on Tibet" is what NDTV story called Indian reaction to Tibetan Liberation Movement. The irony was the picture alongside the main story -The poor freedom fighter is facing Indian police batons while holding Indian Father of Nation as his ideal.
And then while apostyles of Gandhi face tortures, his prodegees in power are happy with applaudes from Beijing. May be Delhi hopes that this applaud will translate in settling things in Arunachal Pradesh. But ion doing so the Indian planners conviniently forget the Aksi Chin, the AlKhalid Tank in Pakistan's Armoury and most of all the Pak nuclear bomb.
China never had a thought of peaceful coexisistance. Thier only concern is a golden age of Chinese world domination. India at best can be a hinderence. The same has to be ingrained into the policy makers, an independent strong Tibet will be a buffer against us and China. The return of Buddhist monks, can pave the way for destruction of multi etnic chinese state, which in turn can only help us. Most of all - Gandhi had enough of Indian Police Batons in his day, let him rest in peace now
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