Thursday, December 13, 2007

Has Supreme court of India gone nuts?

Its not just the question that a 2 judge bench regrets decisions of larger benches, what is most regrettable is that they question the spirit of those benches.

The 1998 Dicision to reinstate Kalyan Singh was one of the most commendable jobs that SC did in living memory.
The drama involved dismissing UP governement by governor at his discreation while the state was in a election period... a time when even an ADM would not be removed, Kalyan SIngh was convinienly sacked to help Mulayam secure Sambhal Constituency.
It was a broad day light murder of any and all systems that founder fathers of country may have had thought.
The SC had step in to prevent demise of order while the letters of constitution were played upon by Romesh Bhandari. It upheld its duty as the guardian of constitution in letter and in spirit.

Its most unfortunate that instead of ordering enquiries into circumstances that forced SC to act back then, the misinformed judges choose to critisize their own folk for saving the nation

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